Aquascape Terbaik : Aquascape DIYChoosing Aquarium GlueAquarium Designs
Aquascape DIYChoosing Aquarium GlueAquarium Designs
Artikel Aquarium Construction, Artikel Aquarium Design, Artikel Aquarium Glue, Artikel Safe Aquarium Glue, Artikel Silicone Glue, Aquarium glue is a pretty touchy subject in the aquarium hobby. Different glues are used for different purposes. Some will dry clear and invisible, others will hold water as in an aquarium glued with silicone based glue. Silicone glue usually used to form a waterproof bond in construction and repair of glass aquariums.Simply put, people don�t trust the chemicals the glue can release into the water after extended periods of time. In my opinion, they are rightfully concerned as many of us spend countless hours and more money than we�d like to on our aquariums. That being said, here are some specific things to look for when trying to find a safe aquarium glue.

Frag glue - What to look for:
- Super glue products that say �100% Cyanoacrylate�
- Look for Loctite Super Glue GEL
Silicone glue - What to look for:
- Make sure it is 100% silicone
- Avoid anything with mold inhibitors
- Clear or black silicone
Aquarium Epoxy - What to look for:
- Make sure its a reef safe brand
Another thing to consider when choosing aquarium glue for aquarium construction is the glue pH. Aquarium with small or medium size (length 120cm) can use a glass glue with acidic pH. The characteristic of acid pH glass glue is dry and harden quickly, so that within 24 hours, the aquarium has to be filled water.
As for the large aquarium, you can use glass glue with a neutral pH. The characteristic of this aquarium glue with neutral pH is a long dry (2-3 weeks) and is rubbery, so it is more robust and more resistant to earthquakes than the glue with acid pH.
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Tag : Aquarium Construction, Aquarium Design, Aquarium Glue, Safe Aquarium Glue, Silicone Glue,
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