Aquascape Terbaik : Aquascape DIYChoosing Aquarium Plants Types for AquascapingAquarium Designs
Aquascape DIYChoosing Aquarium Plants Types for AquascapingAquarium Designs
Artikel Aquarium Plants, Artikel Aquatic Plants, Artikel Hygrophyla corymbosa,The newly installed aquarium will be through a period called the critical period. At this time the nitrogen cycle has not been established and newly planted aquarium plants can not be fully functional because it is still in a period of adaptation. The photosynthesis process of the aquatic plants is still low. At this time the algae or moss is easy to attack the aquarium.
A good way to fight the algae problems at this critical time is to plant as many aquatic plants are rapidly growing to cover 80% of the sand surface. Luckily the price for the fast growing plants was relatively cheap.
If the type of aquatic plants that grow this fast planted in small amounts, of course not be much help for a new aquascaping aquarium installed. Later, if the critical period is over, so these plants can be replaced with other aquatic plants which more beautiful, slower growth and usually have the more expensive price as well.
It's erroneous if we planted the aquatic plant species which are slow growing such as the type of Cryptocoryne, Anubias, or Microsorium on the new aquarium installed in large numbers.
If we are impatient, and in a hurry to choose the type of plant which grows slowly, it could be a negative impact to the aquascape aquarium. The algae growth will rapidly. Eventually, this condition will make the aquarium owner frustrating.

Hygrophyla corymbosa is an aquatic plant in the acanthus family. It is native to South East Asia (Indonesia) but is grown worldwide in tropical aquariums.
These aquatic plants leaved tightly and growing quickly. As we known, the good way to fight the algae problems at a new aquascaping aquarium installed is to plant many aquarium plants are rapidly growing. Hygrophyla corymbosa will look beautiful in the aquarium that is large and high.
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Tag : Aquarium Plants, Aquatic Plants, Hygrophyla corymbosa,
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